
147gr 9mm bullets
147gr 9mm bullets

147gr 9mm bullets

Before seating, we put the bullets through a. We get a beautiful slip fit alignment with this bullet because of the excellent bevel base. Basically, we’re loading new brass and we use the HTC powder funnel and don’t flare the case. We de-prime, ultrasonically clean, dry and tumble polish our brass. Hoosier’s website is well done, pricing is great, ordering is very easy, and we had fast, secure delivery. We are extremely pleased with both the casting and coating finish. We placed our first order with Hoosier for this bullet to help us develop 9mm and 38 Super loads for NRA Precision Pistol competition. I'm impressed and will likely buy additional. It is accurate with a power factor of 138. It feeds well through my Hornady LnL bullet feeder. This is a good looking bullet with a good profile. Posted by Patrick Kennedy on Apr 13th 2021 Ordered two 15lb packs and will be ordering more!!! I must say these are the first hi-tek coated bullets I've tried that feed reliably in all of my 9mm pistols (Glocks, S&Ws, Caniks, IWI Baby Desert Eagle, Taurus, Kel-Tec Sub 2000, Palmetto State AKV, etc. Tried these out at the suggestion of a fellow reloader. Posted by Russ Massengill on Apr 22nd 2021 ungrooved so when I commit to a larger buy, it'll be for ungrooved. No perceived difference to me in the grooved vs. I'll use a softer load for practice and a much stouter one foe woods carry in black bear country. So far, they seem to shoot to the same POI as my plated 135s and my go to woods load (147gr HC, Flat nose) Accuracy has been better than expected and I hope to replace all my other bullets with these. Just got these a couple of weeks ago and so far have about 150 rds of both the grooved and ungrooved. I like to use 2.9g of Titegroup with an OAL of 1.120" which will make minor PF in most guns and is very accurate. I prefer these over the non-lube groove version for the simple reason that they are a bit longer so you can play with the seating depth a bit more if you need to depending on your load combo. I have already loaded half the bullets i ordered so will get another order out to you pretty soon. I have loaded this bullet to 1050 fps and have gotten good accuracy and reliable feeding. 9mm Luger Ammo handgun 147 grains Bulk 9mm Luger Ammunition handgun 147 grains - 2023 Find in-stock 9mm Luger ammunition at the best prices.FAST IMPORTANT: Filter results on shipping cost: learn how Search Showing Now Seeking 9mm Luger Ammo handgun 147 grains Cost Range 0.2 - 6. Other cast bullets I have tried have stripped on the rifling and given poor accuracy. I have been wanting to try this bullet in my two 38 super 1911s for a while.

147gr 9mm bullets